Trans Murder Monitoring

TGEU’s Trans Murder Monitoring systematically monitors, collects, and analyses reports of homicides of trans and gender-diverse people globally.

Trans Murder Monitoring is a research project by TGEU that tracks the murders of trans and gender-diverse people globally. This project has been active since 2009.

To do this, we systematically monitor, collect, and analyse reports of homicides for a clear picture of trans and gender-diverse people. Every year, we update the data shortly before Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR).

Why is it important to track trans murders?

Transphobia puts trans and gender-diverse people at risk. In the worst cases, this can lead to murder. This project is essential to understand how and where violence affects trans people. It is also important to understand who is most impacted. For instance, every year we find that murders disproportionately affect:

  • Trans sex workers
  • Trans women and femmes
  • Black and brown trans people
  • Trans migrants and refugees. 

This information is critical to help lawmakers understand the issues facing the trans community. Our hope is that this data will be used to advocate for laws that protect the most vulnerable members of the trans community. 

However, this project also helps us memorialise and honour our community members who have been murdered.

How do we collect this data?

We work with partner organisations and activists around the globe to collect and verify reports of murdered trans and gender-diverse people. Our partners make it possible to collect reports in many different languages and from many different countries. 

Trans murder monitoring

Trans Murder Monitoring

Reports of homicides of trans and gender-diverse people worldwide

Every year, we update the data shortly before Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR).


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