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Endorsing the Open Letter to the National Geographic by Czech Organisation Trans*Parent

TGEU has endorsed Trans*parent‘s open letter to the Editor-in-Chief of the National Geographic Magazine.

This trans rights organisation from the Czech Republic points out a number of problematic issues with the Czech edition of the National Geographic’s Special Issue “Gender Revolution”. Including but not limited to the incorrect translation and definitions of terminology, the omission of articles which could have supported and raised trans awareness in the country, and more seriously an editorial which calls the “gender revolution” a “disintegration of traditional family, nation, religion, and race.” and an expert interview with a psychiatrist, sexologist, and former politician who “routinely conflates the term ‘sexual orientation’ with ‘gender identity’.”

Trans*parent’s full letter can be read here.

TGEU calls on organisations or individuals to also send us information on the translated issues of  ‘Gender Revolution’ if they have also been problematic in terms of content in their country. Please e-mail us on

To support Trans*parent’s open letter please email

The covers of the US editions (left, centre) and the Czech edition (right) of the National Geographic’s special issue on ‘Gender Revolution’

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