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Call For Expert Consultant Trans and Employment in the European Union

Call for Expert Consultant Trans and Employment in the European Union

Submission of proposals is open until 17 July 2017

Background Information on the Project

Trans people are disproportionally affected by unemployment. Discrimination protection is patchy and often non-existent across Europe. Employers have a key role to play to identify and remove barriers that might hinder trans people’s equal access and discrimination-free experience in the job market.

Previously, TGEU has been working on highlighting which EU rights trans people have in the job market under the EU law (Know your Rights! Guides), and has been highlighting the importance of well-functioning legal gender recognition procedures to implement these rights for trans employees (Trans Crossroads – Trans People’s EU Employment Rights and National Gender Recognition Laws). The latter contained also tailor-made recommendations for policy makers (EUgovernments), trade unionsequality bodiesemployers, and trans civil society.

In a new project, TGEU has partnered with Workplace Pride to produce a resource for employers and businesses for trans-inclusive workplaces.

To this effect, TGEU is seeking an external expert to draft an online publication (10 – 20 pages) on trans people in employment, containing:

  • Overview of common trans-specific hindrances to workplace equality;
  • Good practices on trans-friendly workplaces;
  • Dos & Don’ts for employers.

Objectives of the Publication

Our aim is to provide practical guidance that inspires and supports employers, human resource managers, companies, business owners and other relevant stakeholders in taking action for trans-friendly work places. The publication will promote existent knowledge and good practice in a practical, hands-on and accessible manner.

Required Qualifications:

Successful candidates should have the following qualifications:

  • Knowledge of the needs of and common problems trans people experience in the labour market
  • Experience in working with private or public employers, human resources management, businesses or other relevant stakeholders for diversity in the workplace
  • Understanding of human rights, in particular as relevant for trans people in the areas of recruitment, employment, and employment-related benefits
  • Experience with publications intelligible to a trans-naïve audience
  • Excellent English writing skills and the ability to write in easy-to-understand, simple language
  • Excellent analytical and organisational skills
  • Ability to work independently and to meet deadlines

How to apply

To apply, please email us:

  • A cover letter (max. 1 page) detailing how you fulfil the qualifications we seek
  • Examples of similar work you have undertaken including copies of the final products (if possible)
  • CV(s)
  • Contact information for 2 references
  • A work plan (1- 2 pages) outlining your approach to the work. The work plan should demonstrate your understanding of the subject, propose work methodologies, and a proposed schedule of key activities and timeframe
  • A budget which includes your daily fee and other envisioned costs
  • Indicate availability for an initial discussion (via Skype)

Proposed Timeframe

  • Applications submitted by July 17 2017;
  • Selection process ends by July 19;
  • Initial discussion (via teleconference) with project management between 20-21 July;
  • Literature review: August
  • Outline of publication by 04 September;
  • First Draft of the publication by 18 September;
  • Review of draft by 2 October;
  • Final draft by 16 October 2017.

TGEU Contribution:

TGEU will support the expert in form of:

  • Making available existent resources on trans-friendly workplaces,
  • Help identification of best practices
  • Provide access to a Europe-wide network of LGBT diversity experts
  • Give guidance and chamber de-reflection throughout the drafting process
  • Proper recognition of the expert’s work

Submission of proposals is open until 17 July 2017 and should be directed exclusively to Mari-Liis Sepper

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